District 9 |
Grades 5 - 8 |
282 students
After a 2015 law, schools are not supposed to call the police in response to a child in crisis except as a last resort.
Note: NYPD data incomplete in 2016.
How to Get Help
The system is complex but resources do exist. Here's where to start:
You can find contact info for counseling in the school’s Counseling Plan (PDF).You can reach out to Children's Aid Society, which offers more intensive support to students at Kappa than at most schools. You can find contact info on the school’s education department homepage.
This school’s social worker works part time at Kappa and might not be on-site daily.
If your child’s school has called 911 on them because of emotional distress, and you’re concerned about the response, reach out to Advocates for Children’s Education Helpline at 866-427-6033. You can also reach out to your district’s superintendent.
If your child is in distress, you can text "WELL" to 65173 or call 888-NYC-WELL (888-692-9355), NYC’s free confidential helpline.
You can reach suicide prevention and substance use disorder counselors by dialing 988.
Several local organizations provide telehealth services using health insurance, Medicaid, or a sliding scale for billing. The education department compiled a list of providers here.
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