How Well Does Your Child's School Support Student Mental Health?Last updated: May 4, 2023Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice
244 East 163 Street, The Bronx |
District 9 |
Grades 7 - 12 |
715 students
District 9 |
Grades 7 - 12 |
715 students
15 child-in-crisis calls since 2016
After a 2015 law, schools are not supposed to call the police in response to a child in crisis except as a last resort.
Note: NYPD data incomplete in 2016.
358 students per guidance counselor
(2 total guidance counselors)While some counselors address mental health, they also focus on academic readiness and college applications for graduating students. Experts recommend a ratio of 250 students per counselor. Note: Some schools have specially funded academic counselors who are not counted in the DOE's data.