Meet Your Mayor

Criminal Justice

Answer the questions below to see which candidates for NYC mayor agree with you most

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Answer the following four questions on criminal justice to see which candidates for mayor most closely match the future you want to see for New York City.

Drug Arrests

In April 2021, New York legalized possession of up to three ounces of marijuana for personal use, while paving the way for a regulated sales industry. (Note: Candidates were surveyed before state law changed.)

Question 1 of 4

Will you direct the NYPD to stop arrests for drug possession?

Candidates who agree with you

Closing Rikers

NYC is pursuing a 10-year timetable to close Rikers Island and replace it with four new borough-based jails at accessible locations intended to make incarceration less inhumane.

Question 2 of 4

Should NYC stay on course to close all jails on Rikers Island by 2027?

Candidates who agree with you

Solitary Confinement

The city jails board has restricted who may be put in solitary confinement and proposed rules to limit the number of hours of isolation but has stopped short of full abolition.

Question 3 of 4

Should NYC ban solitary confinement within jails?

Candidates who agree with you

Pretrial Release

Bail reform has prompted increasing reliance on supervised release programs for people facing criminal charges as an alternative to jail — as well as concerns that the programs themselves may be too punitive.

Question 4 of 4

Which of the following would you choose as your top priority in addressing individuals charged with a crime and awaiting trial:

Candidates who agree with you

Your Criminal Justice Matches

  • June 8, 2021: Added answers for Ray McGuire on solitary confinement, pretrial release and drug arrests.
  • May 9, 2021: Added Art Chang, Aaron Foldenauer, Paperboy Prince, Joycelyn Taylor and Isaac Wright Jr.

Reporting by Ann Choi and Mónica Cordero, development by Will Welch, editing by Alyssa Katz. Candidate images from Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY, Alejandro Durán/THE CITY, Shutterstock and campaign websites.