Morales, a staunchly progressive Brooklynite, has called for cutting the NYPD budget in half, creating a system of community-owned affordable housing and sustaining worker cooperatives and small businesses. She campaigns in aspirational terms on behalf of New Yorkers locked out of wealth and power, telling The New York Times editorial board: “We don’t need reform. We don’t need renewal. What we need is to actually transform our city and finally create a city and build a city together that works for all of us.”
She has struggled to have her own campaign reflect her pro-worker values, facing a staff revolt and top resignations along with accusations she had not responded forcefully to complaints about conduct and compensation.
Morales, 53, most recently ran the nonprofit anti-poverty group Phipps Neighborhoods and previously held high-level roles for the city Department of Education and the education reform group New Visions for Public Schools. In 2019, she was in line to run the city Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. But she did not ultimately assume the position, after the resurfacing of an internal city probe that concluded she once arranged to bribe a city water inspector — and then lied about it to investigators. She has called herself a victim in that incident.
Website: dianne.nyc
THE CITY sent three multiple-choice surveys to every Democratic and Republican mayoral candidate on the ballot for the June 22 primary, starting in February. See how Dianne Morales answered below.
Should the NYPD uniformed force be downsized beyond currently planned levels?
Yes, redirect a substantial share of NYPD operating resources to other city agencies
No, maintain police officer headcount at roughly current levels
No, increase the number of NYPD officers
"I've called for the creation of what we're calling community first responders, units, departments that would actually be staffed with trained personnel who are able to not just provide safe interventions but also access to resources for the community."
from THE CITY interview, Oct. 1, 2020 -
Should the NYPD respond to 911 calls involving people in severe emotional distress?
Yes, where the call suggests a risk to others’ safety
Yes, under most or all circumstances
No, NYPD officers should not respond to these calls
"Provide the appropriate interventions and services and supports at the time, in the moment, not sending an armed individual to respond to a mental health crisis."
from Citizen Action mental health town hall, Dec. 17, 2020 -
Should NYPD officers reside in the five boroughs?
No response / no position
Should the NYPD commissioner have final say on disciplining officers for conduct violations?
The commissioner should retain decision-making authority in all cases
The commissioner should retain decision-making authority in some cases
Decisions should be made by a newly empowered Civilian Complaint Review Board
The mayor should have the final say in all cases
"Advance a democratically-elected Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) and empower it to discipline officers."
from Campaign website
Should admission to existing specialized high schools continue to depend on a single Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT)?
Yes, keep the SHSAT
Keep the SHSAT but also require additional admissions measures
No, abolish the SHSAT
“As a graduate of a specialized high school, I will say — much to the chagrin of many of my classmates — that I do not believe that the SHSAT serves our children.”
from New York Jewish Agenda forum, Jan. 15, 2021 -
Should New York City have more charter schools?
Yes, advocate for more charter schools
No, discourage more charter schools
Advocate for more charter schools under stricter conditions than currently apply
Morales said the city should gain control over the number of charter schools and stop them from increasing.
from Empire State Indivisible's Albany Agenda forum, Feb. 8, 2021 -
Should middle school admissions remain limited to students attending school in or residing in a district?
Allow applicants outside the district, through set-asides or other means
“We should remove all screenings and all barriers to access to schools that exist currently. I think that also means that we need to look at redrawing district lines and district boundaries.”
from Columbia Law School education panel, Jan. 27, 2021 -
Should public school parent associations continue to be able to raise unlimited sums?
Yes, keep fundraising as is
Yes, but a system is needed to share funds between schools with many wealthy families and those with many poor families
No. Limits or further ground rules are needed for fundraising
COVID Recovery
Should New York consider mandatory vaccinations (with appropriate medical exemptions) if voluntary uptake of COVID vaccines does not reach sufficient levels?
Yes, for health, education, law enforcement and other workers interacting with the public
Should the Open Streets program, including outdoor dining, become permanent?
Yes, ban vehicular access to current open streets
Yes, and expand the program to include more streets
Morales said she is “fully committed to open streets, safe streets, more bicycle-friendly streets” but adds any program should be done with an “eye toward not disproportionately impacting” people who rely on cars for transportation.
from Brooklyn Democratic Mayoral Forum, Jan. 19, 2021 -
Should NYC provide economic relief to undocumented immigrants who do not qualify for federal aid?
Yes, ongoing aid for the needy
Yes, one-time assistance
“I would begin to address the current crisis by providing folks with some basic economic relief for every household, especially the excluded workers and those that we know were left out on the federal and state level.”
from Community Voices Heard forum, Feb. 26, 2021 -
Which statement most closely reflects your view of Mayor de Blasio’s approach to school reopening?
Schools have reopened for in-person/hybrid learning too quickly
Schools have reopened for in-person/hybrid learning too slowly
Schools have reopened at an appropriate pace
Should New York proceed as soon as possible with congestion pricing, charging vehicles to enter central Manhattan?
Yes, supporting current plan to capture funds for the MTA
Yes, while pursuing city control over the revenue
No, or further evaluation is needed
“It’s time for NYC to see redesigned streets.... This includes also seeing a reduction of trucks and cars on streets, offering subsidies and tax breaks to those who find alternate means of travel besides cars and congestion pricing.”
from Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats questionnaire -
Should New York City gain control of its subway and bus systems?
Yes, while splitting bridge and tunnel toll revenue with LIRR and Metro-North
Yes, provided the city also gains full control of bridge and tunnel toll revenue
"I think over the long term, it would be great for the city to get control of the MTA, but that can't happen without the revenue."
from Empire State Indivisible's Albany Agenda forum, Feb. 8, 2021 -
What course will you chart for the city-funded NYC Ferry system?
Continue or build on current NYC Ferry service and expansion plans while keeping fare at $2.75, providing additional dollars to step up service
Alter NYC Ferry service or expansion plans while continuing $2.75 fare
Raise or change NYC Ferry fare to help support existing and expanded service
Raise or change NYC Ferry fare while reevaluating routes and/or service
"Some of these routes just aren't really getting a ton of customers, and we're subsidizing them at a time when our budget is going to be constrained.… My goal would be to try and support the routes that, frankly, have proven that they're helping New Yorkers and have demand."
from Forum on the Future of Transportation, March 25, 2021 -
Choose the statement that best describes your position on bike lanes:
NYC needs to expand its bike lane network into underserved areas, even where lanes have met some local resistance
Expand bike lanes, while being responsive to local objections in deciding where to put the lanes
Alter or remove existing lanes where warranted
"We need to expand bike lanes, busways and pedestrian plazas across this city. And that’s just the start. We need to redesign our streets and ensure our more dangerous drivers cannot continue getting behind the wheel."
from Twitter, Nov. 15, 2020
Which statement describes your preferred approach to spending the city’s affordable housing dollars?
Focus city funding on development projects that mix affordability at a range of incomes, using rents paid by higher earners to help cover costs for the lowest-income tenants
Focus city funding on 100% affordable development projects for the lowest-income tenants, even if that may create fewer units overall
Scale back city subsidies to affordable housing development, focusing resources on helping renters pay for existing housing
Morales advocates for government-led social housing on land held in public trust, "creating a whole new paradigm for how we exist together in the city, and enable everyone to live in dignity."
from Gothamist, April 1, 2021 -
Do you intend to “upzone” (increase permitted building size) areas of low-density neighborhoods to promote affordable and other housing development?
Yes, as part of area-wide rezonings
Yes, for specific blocks or properties
No, the city is already overbuilt
"We need to fully restore funding cuts to affordable housing, change our outdated zoning rules."
from Twitter, Oct. 30, 2020 -
Should NYCHA continue toward its goal of placing half of its apartments into private management under the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program?
Yes, this is the best way for NYCHA to upgrade its deteriorating apartments
Yes, but keep a substantial number of apartments out of RAD to maintain oversight of those apartments by the monitor
No, NYCHA should not rely on private firms to manage its buildings
In her administration, Morales vows, "There's no sweet deals or handoffs to private developers...we've got to focus on retrofitting our buildings and investing in the capital repair."
from NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum on Tenants Rights, Feb. 27, 2021 -
Should surplus funds received by the city from Battery Park City — an estimated $400 million over 10 years — be steered exclusively to NYCHA?
Yes, NYCHA needs a dedicated revenue stream to pay for much-needed apartment upgrades
Yes, but split the money between NYCHA and other affordable housing programs
No, 100% of this money should continue to be dedicated to general affordable housing programs
Should non-citizens be allowed to vote in local elections?
Yes, permanent residents (green card holders) only
Yes, all New Yorkers, regardless of their immigration status, should be allowed to vote
“Yes! Nearly one million New Yorkers are unable to vote, despite paying taxes and being impacted by the daily decisions of the city government. Especially in a city like ours, where we know our excluded workers are often our essential workers, they deserve a voice in the system.”
from Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats questionnaire -
Should government cash assistance be available to low-income undocumented immigrants?
Yes — special pandemic assistance only
Should NYC pay for attorneys to represent New Yorkers facing deportation in immigration court?
Yes, immigrant New Yorkers facing deportation should have a right to counsel
Continue existing city funding sponsoring legal services for immigrant New Yorkers held in detention
Morales supports increased funding for the New York Immigrant Family Unity Project in order to provide attorneys for non-detained immigrants.
from City & State New York and Documented, April 12, 2021 -
Do you support measures to legalize basement and attic apartments?
Yes, revise building codes to allow current illegal apartments to be compliant
Yes, revise building codes and encourage conversions through financing, counseling or other means
“There is a lot of work to be done quickly with the Department of City Planning: making better use of existing housing infrastructure by getting rid of single-family zoning; ensuring that accessory dwelling and basement units are legal, safe and affordable.”
from 2021 VOCAL-NY Questionnaire Responses Homelessness and Housing
With hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers facing extended unemployment, which of the following would you make your top priority for investing federal aid dollars?
Wage subsidies to help employers bring back and retain their employees
Extended unemployment benefits to all impacted people
Access to loans for entrepreneurs and worker cooperatives
Government jobs in underserved communities to rebuild local economies
Should New York reclassify gig workers — including food deliverers and Uber drivers — as employees?
Yes, require companies to classify workers as their employees
Yes, give workers flexibility to decide whether they are classified as employees or independent contractors
Morales’ campaign says she would push for creating paid family leave, maternity leave, and sick leave to independent contractors and gig workers. She would also create a platform cooperative and digital democracy agenda.
from Campaign website -
Which statement best describes your approach to bargaining with municipal labor unions?
The mayor is working for voters and taxpayers, who must come first in bargaining with city employees
Municipal employees keep the city running and the mayor should put their needs first
Mayors should strive to find a balance between taxpayers and workers, even when that leaves everyone unhappy
“I would work with labor in order to come to a conclusion or come to an agreement that was mutually agreeable” on raises for city workers.
from Citizens Budget Commission mayoral candidate forum, Feb. 24, 2021 -
New York has been a leader in increasing the minimum wage. Should the state increase it above $15 an hour in the first two years of your term?
Yes, and be indexed to inflation so the wage automatically rises each year
Yes, but not indexed to inflation — the wage should come under review before future increases
Morales seeks a guaranteed minimum income. “It’s really the idea of raising the floor for some of the most vulnerable and marginalized people in New York City.”
from NY1, Feb. 3, 2021
Criminal Justice
Will you direct the NYPD to stop arrests for drug possession?
Marijuana only
Marijuana and one or more other drugs
Asked about decriminalizing small amounts of all drugs, including cannabis, heroin, and crack, cocaine, Morales said, “We need to move toward that in the response to the war on drugs, so it's all of those things.”
from VOCAL-NY’s Mayoral Candidate Forum, March 17, 2021 -
Should NYC stay on course to close all jails on Rikers Island by 2027?
Yes, build all new planned smaller borough-based jails on the current timeline
Yes, build new smaller borough-based jails but consider changes to plans or timeline
Reevaluate closing Rikers
Close Rikers, but build no new jails
“I've pledged to close Rikers and to open NO new prisons or jails as we dismantle a ‘justice’ system built to criminalize Black and Brown communities.”
from Twitter, Nov. 9, 2020 -
Should NYC ban solitary confinement within jails?
Ban solitary confinement entirely
Maintain current plan to allow minimum 10 hours per day out of cells
“Solitary confinement is inhumane, and I urge Gov. Cuomo to sign #HALTSolitary immediately.”
from Twitter, March 18, 2021 -
Which of the following would you choose as your top priority in addressing individuals charged with a crime and awaiting trial:
Promote use of city supervised release programs for more people
Promote release without supervision programs for more people
Promote pretrial jail for more people who currently must be released
Leave the current system as is
The next mayor will inherit well documented inequities in property tax assessments. What will you do?
Respond without impacting overall tax dollars collected, even if that means some will pay more than before
Respond without increasing anyone’s tax burdens in the process — potentially reducing tax dollars collected
Maintain existing property tax assessment system
"We should be looking at property tax and land value tax, and doing things differently with those revenue sources as well."
from Citizens Budget Commission Mayoral Candidate Forum, Feb. 24, 2021 -
Should NYC resume collecting taxes on stock transfers?
“I am wholeheartedly in support of the Invest in our New York Act, which will tax the rich and bring resources back to the city that are sorely needed.” This package of bills includes a financial stock transfer tax.
from NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum on Tenants Rights, Feb. 27, 2021 -
Should New York impose a “pied a terre” tax on homes that are not a primary residence?
Yes, for all part-time residents (less than 180 days a year)
Yes, for international owners only
Morales has said she would increase taxes on pieds-a-terre as well as luxury units that developers keep vacant for tax write-offs.
from The Root, Jan. 11, 2021 -
Will you further tax the ultra wealthy?
Yes, increase the income tax rate for those who earn more than $5 million annually
Yes, increase the income tax rate for those who earn more than $10 million annually
No additional taxes
"People want to be in New York. The idea that the wealthy will leave because we’ve raised their taxes is a fear mongering tactic that has served those in power too long. What this WILL do is raise real revenue to lift up struggling New Yorkers. #TaxTheRich."
from Twitter, April 7, 2021
Borough Edition
The Bronx: Do you support building a stadium for the NYCFC soccer club next to Yankee Stadium?
Yes, I will do whatever I can to make this happen
Yes, but only if a deal can be reached with no public subsidy or tax breaks
Brooklyn: Do you support the National Grid’s proposal to expand its natural gas facilities, including building a pipeline through parts of Brownsville, Bed-Stuy, Bushwick, and Williamsburg?
Yes, but the proposed route requires more review
Manhattan: Do you support commercial rent control?
Yes — I’m ready to work toward implementing a system
Let’s study the issue and see if any model could possibly succeed in Manhattan
No, commercial rent control does not work
Queens: The Sunnyside Master Plan envisions 12,000 affordable homes, a new regional rail station, 60 acres of open space and more to be built atop a platform over the western Queens rail yard. Will you work to realize the plan?
Yes, as planned
Yes, but the project’s cost, scale, community input or other fundamentals need revisiting
Staten Island: Will you commit to restoring 24/7 half-hour service on the Staten Island Ferry? If so, when?
Yes, immediately after taking office
Yes, within my first term
Should NYC’s next mayor appoint campaign contributors to boards, commissions and other posts?
Yes, potentially to any type of position
Yes, only to advisory or other groups without decision-making authority
Should city officials be able to raise funds from private donors for affiliated nonprofit entities?
Yes, as currently permitted
Yes, adding disclosure of the nonprofits’ spending and recipients
Which of the following leadership styles will best serve NYC’s next mayor?
The decider — centralize decision-making with the mayor and close advisers
The delegator — hire top talent to run agencies and rely on their judgment
The partner — make decisions in coordination with the City Council
"My management style is that I’m really good at surrounding myself with people who I think are smarter than me, people who I know sort of offset the different things that I may or may not bring to the table. Very collaborative in terms of trying to solicit people’s ideas and thoughts and also being able to co-create those solutions and strategies."
from The New York Times, May 10, 2021 -
Should NYC’s next mayor veto any bills presented by the City Council?
Never — bills should only come to a Council vote following mayoral agreement
Only under extraordinary circumstances
As often as necessary
NYC is legally required to guarantee a “right to shelter.” Should related agreements be updated?
Renegotiate “right to shelter” into a “right to housing” to invest in permanent solutions
Keep “right to shelter” but lower existing barriers to families seeking shelter
Keep “right to shelter” as already agreed to
“Anything that is available that is at our disposal, we should be converting to permanent affordable housing. We should not be perpetuating the shelter industrial complex.”
from First Democratic mayoral debate, May 13, 2021 -
Should hotels remain residences for homeless people post-pandemic?
Yes, hotel capacity is needed for temporary or permanent housing
Keep current city plan to phase out hotels for the homeless by 2023
No, end homeless hotels as soon as possible
"We need to recognize housing is a human right and prioritize the provision of housing for everyone. That means really scouring our city for all the existing vacant spaces, particularly post-pandemic or mid-pandemic, including vacant hotel rooms, commercial spaces, office spaces, and really prioritizing making those spaces, converting those spaces into housing that can be provided for both the homeless people in the city and those that might be housing insecure."
from The Brian Lehrer Show, April 28, 2021 -
Should the NYPD play a role in response to people living on the streets and in the subway system?
Yes, generally
Yes, specifically when public safety risks arise
No, NYPD should not be involved in homeless response
“I've called for the creation of a community first responders department that would be staffed by people who are trained and skilled at intervention and the escalation in these situations: mental health, homelessness, and substance abuse”
from First Democratic mayoral debate, March 2, 2021 -
Should NYC’s next mayor close the 30th Street shelter, the main point of entry into the system for single men?
Yes, completely close within the next mayor’s term(s)
Close but keep ready and available to handle surges in demand
Keep the 30th Street shelter open as is
"We have to expand the individual housing opportunities for the folks that are being warehoused in these shelters and also do a concerted effort to expand the number of affordable units that are available for families."
from Curbed, April 22, 2021
Climate Change
By 2024, big NYC buildings will have to meet energy efficiency targets or face fines. Which one of the following should the next mayor prioritize to make sure they don’t fall short?
Help owners finance upgrades
Institute a cap-and-trade program that lets owners buy credits to offset their emissions
Revise the law’s timeline or penalties
None — Local Law 97 is solid as is
What should the next mayor’s top priority be for neighborhoods in the most vulnerable flood zones?
Limit new development and enable owners to sell properties to the city
Invest in elevating and fortifying homes and other buildings
Construct protective infrastructure such as seawalls and restore wetlands
No new action
Morales said she will develop natural and other protective measures such as sea walls or urban forestry through a "a fully resourced and supported partnership with CUNY."
from Waterfront Alliance Mayoral Candidates Survey -
NYC’s current mayor vowed to ban gas hook-ups in new construction by 2030. Are you on board?
Yes, and move the goal sooner and/or make strides to phase out fossil fuels in existing buildings
"We should be investing in clean, renewable energy sources and the infrastructure to support them now."
from Twitter, Feb. 27, 2020 -
The newly revived organic waste recycling program will be available only in some community districts and only on demand. Should that change?
Maintain the program as is
Expand organic waste collection to all New Yorkers, but keep it optional
Expand organic waste collection to all New Yorkers and make it mandatory
Get rid of the program
Asked whether she'd commit to making the organic waste program citywide, Morales answered yes.
from First Democratic mayoral debate, May 13, 2021
Building NYC Better
What route should NYC’s mayor take to expand access to broadband internet at home?
Create a publicly owned and operated municipal broadband network
Build on the existing city plan inviting companies to build out low-cost service
New state law requiring $15/month broadband for low-income customers is sufficient
Morales' campaign said her administration would launch a “citywide fiber-optic network” to bring free municipal broadband to New York City.
from Campaign website -
Should real estate developers be allowed to construct bigger buildings if they pay for elevator installation at nearby subway stations without access?
Yes, with the MTA maintaining the elevators
Yes, only if the developer also commits to providing ongoing maintenance
Should new real estate development require approvals beyond those that currently exist under the city land use review process?
Yes, require additional review
Stick with existing procedures and customs
The process needs fewer obstacles to development
“I actually believe that we need to fundamentally overhaul the way we do the land use process and how these decisions are made. I believe in the zoning of areas that have been historically underutilized, let's say, on the affordable housing front. … I do think it's important to prioritize communities with the lens of citywide balance and equity.”
from The Brian Lehrer show, May 19, 2021 -
Which of the following should NYC’s next mayor do first about sidewalk sheds attached to buildings?
Champion, sign and enforce a City Council bill that would require property owners to complete facade repairs within 90 days
Review existing building codes and enforcement to ensure the Department of Buildings doesn’t go overboard in requiring sheds
Focus on managing the current facade inspection and repair system
Quality of Life
Should the mayor’s office crack down on short-term rentals from services like Airbnb, which are illegal under state law if the owner is not present during the stay?
Yes, large-scale professional operators only
Yes, all illegal rentals
No, let Airbnb be
Should NYC be home to full-fledged gambling casinos?
Yes — including Manhattan
Yes — not including Manhattan
Should city government open public restrooms as a widely available amenity?
City should launch effort to deploy and maintain public restrooms
No city restroom program, but incentivize business establishments to make their restrooms available to the public
A new law creates 4,000 new street vendor licenses over 10 years, most outside Manhattan. Should the city:
Expand the number of licenses further
Keep the number of licenses as set
Evaluate impact of new vendor licenses on businesses before further action
"Street vendors are part of the fabric of our city. We should empower and protect them."
from Twitter, April 11, 2021
Meet Your Mayor
Answer questions on the big issues facing NYC and find out which candidates agree with you most.