Shaun Donovan
Mayoral candidate Shaun Donovan speaks in front of Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, May 21, 2021.
Hiram Alejandro Durán/THE CITY

Donovan, 55, brings a long resume of government service, heading the city Department of Housing Preservation and Development under Mayor Mike Bloomberg before becoming Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and then director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Barack Obama.

The Brooklyn resident is a proud policy wonk, shaping his campaign around a 200-page tome called “The Plan for the City of New York.” His dozens of proposals include the concept of the “15-minute city,” in which every New Yorker has quick access to local quality schools, food shopping, parks and transit. And he highlights his experience developing affordable housing in partnership with community groups in areas recovering from disinvestment and abandonment.

Donovan’s bid is being bolstered by an independent ad campaign mostly bankrolled by his father, who has poured millions into the effort.



THE CITY sent three multiple-choice surveys to every Democratic and Republican mayoral candidate on the ballot for the June 22 primary, starting in February. See how Shaun Donovan answered below.

Read more about how we surveyed the candidates.