Meet Your Mayor


Answer the questions below to see which candidates for NYC mayor agree with you most

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Answer the following four questions on immigration to see which candidates for mayor most closely match the future you want to see for New York City.

Immigrant Voting

A bill pending in the City Council would change New York City’s charter to allow “lawful permanent residents” 18 and over to vote in local elections.

Question 1 of 4

Should non-citizens be allowed to vote in local elections?

Candidates who agree with you

Cash Assistance

Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for cash assistance under public benefit programs accessed via the city Human Resources Administration, though their children with a different immigration status may be.

Question 2 of 4

Should government cash assistance be available to low-income undocumented immigrants?

Candidates who agree with you

Immigration Attorneys

The City Council currently funds attorneys for immigrants held in detention who are facing deportation, via the New York Immigrant Family Unity Project. But other immigrants facing deportation proceedings do not have access to city-funded free legal counsel.

Question 3 of 4

Should NYC pay for attorneys to represent New Yorkers facing deportation in immigration court?

Candidates who agree with you

Basement Apartments

NYC’s current mayor sought to help property owners bring some basement apartments up to code or convert unused spaces, potentially shoring up a source of housing widely relied on by immigrants. Those efforts have stalled during the pandemic.

Question 4 of 4

Do you support measures to legalize basement and attic apartments?

Candidates who agree with you

Your Immigration Matches

  • June 15, 2021: Added quote for Ray McGuire on basement apartments.
  • June 8, 2021: Updated Ray McGuire’s answer on immigrant voting, added answer on cash assistance and added quotes on immigration attorneys and basement apartments.
  • June 2, 2021: Updated quote for Eric Adams on basement apartments.
  • May 9, 2021: Added Art Chang, Aaron Foldenauer, Paperboy Prince, Joycelyn Taylor and Isaac Wright Jr.

Reporting by Ann Choi and Mónica Cordero, development by Will Welch, editing by Alyssa Katz. Candidate images from Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY, Alejandro Durán/THE CITY, Shutterstock and campaign websites.