Meet Your Mayor

Quality of Life

Answer the questions below to see which candidates for NYC mayor agree with you most

Welcome to Meet Your Mayor, which shows you how the candidates’ stands fit with your take on the issues that matter most to New Yorkers.

If you’re new to Meet Your Mayor, learn more about how it works and what to expect now through the June 22 primary.

Answer the following four questions on quality of life issues to see which candidates for mayor most closely match the future you want to see for New York City.


Renting out a full apartment for less than 30 days is illegal under state law, but widespread nonetheless. Enforcement has largely focused on professional operators and not occasional hosts.

Question 1 of 4

Should the mayor’s office crack down on short-term rentals from services like Airbnb, which are illegal under state law if the owner is not present during the stay?

Candidates who agree with you


New York’s governor is taking steps to allow full-fledged casinos to open in New York City.

Question 2 of 4

Should NYC be home to full-fledged gambling casinos?

Candidates who agree with you


A lack of public restroom facilities has long plagued the city, putting extra burdens on delivery workers and homeless New Yorkers.

Question 3 of 4

Should city government open public restrooms as a widely available amenity?

Candidates who agree with you

Street Vendors

After years of debate and pushback from brick-and-mortar businesses, the City Council early this year raised a strict cap on new permits to allow more vendors an opportunity to sell food.

Question 4 of 4

A new law creates 4,000 new street vendor licenses over 10 years, most outside Manhattan. Should the city:

Candidates who agree with you

Your Quality of Life Matches

  • June 15, 2021: Added quotes for Curtis Sliwa on Airbnb, restrooms and street vendors.
  • June 8, 2021: Added answers for Ray McGuire on Airbnb, casinos, restrooms and street vendors.

Reporting by Ann Choi and Mónica Cordero, development by Will Welch, editing by Alyssa Katz. Candidate images from Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY, Alejandro Durán/THE CITY, Shutterstock and campaign websites.